Is Not a Word. Is a Person. Don’t Become One.

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“Decisions create your wins and losses, pains and happiness, peace and troubles, safety and dangers, success and failures, liberty and restrictions, health, and sickness, and even in many cases, longevity and premature death.”

Latest Articles

A Thought With Willie, is a periodically articles from Willie Yeboah.
Let's Reason


Thoughts are transformed into solutions or problems.

Discover Your Purpose


Life is better lived with a reason.



Who and what you follow influences your life.



Decisions lead to actions and results.

Coming Soon…

“You can never take your decision-making seriously until you understand your importance, purpose, and the value of your decisions. You are a puzzle in the big picture; without your input or wrong input, the big picture is never completed.”

“No matter who you are, what your name is, how you came into this world, and your current situation, you are so important; and so are your decisions. And if your decisions could bear a price tag, they are priceless.”


Let’s connect to pray and share the word, power, and wisdom of God together. Life on earth is created by God to be lived in a community. Let’s get stronger, wiser, and healthier spiritually and physically together.

Adequate information helps you make better decisions about your spiritual and physical life. Communication and search bring to light what you don’t know, and a deeper understanding of what you already know.

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