“Decisions create your wins and losses, pains and happiness, peace and troubles, safety and dangers, success and failures, liberty and restrictions, health, and sickness, and even in many cases, longevity and premature death.”
“Your decisions or choices lead, control, and create your present and future life conditions, and to change them, you have to start making the right decisions or choices.”
“There is nothing like a small decision, even the decision you think is insignificant will amount to crucial or weighty results or consequences. And there is nothing like a personal decision in a real context; even when it looks like one, all your good or bad decisions, affect other people directly or indirectly, instantly, or progressively, sooner or later.”
“The ability to choose is one of the most powerful capabilities God has endowed humankind. However, this free will comes with a noble and considerable moral responsibility. The power to execute or use your judgment to judge whatever you touch, see, hear, smell, and taste; and then think, say, or do is not to be taken lightly because it is the key to your goodness, blessings, or misery, curses.”
“Each decision you make has either physical or spiritual results or consequences.”
“You can never take your decision-making seriously until you understand your importance, I mean your purpose and the value of your decisions. You are a puzzle in the big picture; without your input or wrong input, the big picture is never completed.”
“This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls…” (Jeremiah 6: 16, NIV)
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