– The Bernoulli’s Formula: Pressure and velocity evolve inversely
– He Will Deliver You From the Strong Wind
– The Storm Calmer
– Managing Oppositions
* The Word of God, Your Guide
* The Holy Spirit, Your Best Friend
* Prayer, Your Power Connection
* Love, Your Secret Weapon
* Patience, Your Breaks
* Courage, Your Measure
* Integrity and Honesty, Your Character
* Good Advice, Your Supplements
THE BERNOULLI’S FORMULA: Pressure and velocity evolve inversely
The formula of Bernoulli or Bernoulli’s principle and Bernoulli’s equation in fluid dynamics is named after the Dutch-Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli who published his principle in his book Hydrodynamica in 1738. In fluid dynamics, Bernoulli’s principle states that for an inviscid flow, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid’s potential energy. And it is known that the force created by a propeller or a jet engine is called thrust and it is also an aerodynamic force. The aerodynamic force on a powered airplane is commonly resolved into three components: thrust, lift and drag.
But long before modern inventions of flying and sailing machines, throughout history, sailing has been instrumental in the development of civilization, offering mobility and capacity for fishing, trade, and warfare. History tells us that the earliest representation of a ship under sail appears on a painted disc found in Kuwait dating to the late 5th millennium BC.
Simply, from the theorem of Bernoulli that pressure and velocity evolve inversely, we understand the wind that comes against an aircraft or sailing ship to create opposition helps it to move forward or to its destination one way or the other. But the other truth is that the aerodynamic force that the wind creates has to be well managed to move the aircraft or ship into the desired direction. In other words, the opposition that pressure and velocity create has to be well managed to favor the desired movement and direction of the aircraft or ship. Consequently, it’s the same way that opposition: problems, sufferings, disappointments, challenges or struggles can move you towards your God-given purpose and destiny in life if you manage them well. Understand that without the opposition, the pressure and velocity would not produce the aerodynamic force to move the aircraft or ship, and without oppositions you may not get where God wants you to be in life.
He Will Deliver You From Strong Winds
Meteorology, the science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena and especially with weather and weather forecasting teaches that winds are often referred to according to their strength, and the direction from which the wind is blowing. Short bursts of high speed wind are called gusts. Strong winds of intermediate duration (around one minute) are called squalls. Long-duration winds have various names associated with their average strength, such as breeze, gale, storm, hurricane, and typhoon. Wind occurs on a range of scales, from thunderstorm flows lasting tens of minutes, to local breezes generated by heating of land surfaces and lasting a few hours, to global winds resulting from the difference in absorption of solar energy between the climate zones on Earth. The two main causes of large scale atmospheric circulation are the differential heating between the equator and the poles, and the rotation of the planet which is refer to as Coriolis effect.
Despite the influence and benefits of wind in human’s life throughout history in transportation, power source for mechanical work, electricity, and recreation…etc, it can also cause many other negative effects when it becomes strong. Winds such as storm, hurricane and typhoon are very hazardous to normal human living. These detrimental winds can destroy natural and man-made deeds and possessions. When the wind (air) helping the aircraft/ship to move becomes a strong wind, then it becomes a threat to the safe travel of the latter. Similarly, when your oppositions become too much to bear, it may threaten your life or purpose and destiny’s safety. But God has promised, He said “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze” (Isaiah 42: 3, NIV). This means no matter how hazardous your situation is, God is with you. Apostle Paul would explained that “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (I Corinthians 10: 13, NKJV).
The Storm Calmer
The Bible says, “One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him” (Luke 8: 22-25).
Life is a journey on which unexpected things do happen. The Lord Jesus just finished ministering going throughout cities and villages preaching the Good News, healing the sick, delivering the demon possessed, and teaching about the Kingdom of God. It came to pass that on a certain day He asked the disciples to cross to the other side of the lake. He ministered to the people here and knew there were other businesses He was supposed to take care of at the other side of the lake.
The Bible says while they were traveling across the lake, suddenly the wind changed into a strong wind, a storm, and was raging against them. That’s the strong wind or oppositions we are talking about. The disciples were terribly afraid. Now surely there was Peter and other disciples who were fishermen and knew how to deal with crisis on waters and winds. I believe they used all their expertise and strategies, their full knowledge about overcoming strong winds that work against ships, but in vain.
The remarkable thing is, in all the chaos; I mean the screaming and all activities to secure their lives, the Lord Jesus was sleeping. You may wonder why He could do that. I did pose the same question to myself. But you see, the Lord sleeping in the midst of trouble (Opposition), means calmness, confidence, faith and control. He knew the storm, the opposition is not beyond what the disciple could bear or handle. Unfortunately, they couldn’t manage it, and desperately, they shout out for help by calling the Master, “Master, Master we are going to drown”! Now, at this point at least the disciples did the right thing by not folding their hands and being silent, but they called on Him to do something about their hopeless situation. Have you ever felt that all hope is gone after trying everything to solve a particular problem in your life, but it still persists and there is nothing you can do about it? Well, it is time to put your expertise aside and call on the Lord Almighty now. The Bible says, the Master got up and rebuked the storm with a word, and immediately the storm subsided, and all was calm. And He asked them, “Where is your faith”?
In amazement and frighten, the disciples asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him”. Yes, that is the type of God you are serving; and if your dream/vision is from Him, trust Him that He will calm every strong wind or storm that would come against it to destroy it. He will see that the purpose and destiny of your life will overcome every obstacle on your way to its realization. Just be calm, confident, and have faith to take control over the oppositions or obstacles.
Oppositions, the opposite of the things that God wants for you and the desires of your heart in God will knock on your door here and there in life. But rest assured that God will use them for your benefits and realize your dreams/visions. He will also give you the courage, the anointing and capacity to bear them till the end so that He can be glorified and you become victorious in the end, when all is said and done. But you need to know how to well and Godly manage and use the oppositions for your advantage.
Nobody enjoys oppositions. Naturally, a human being reacts against anything coming against his will (desire), expectation, plan and self-esteem or dignity. When oppositions or things coming against your expectation, hope, desire, plan and self-esteem knock at your life’s door and you don’t manage them efficiently, you may lose control of your purpose and destiny and in some cases never fulfill it because a mismanagement of oppositions can bring unprofitable and bad results into your life. But again, if you manage them well, they will work for your good. Therefore, you need the following ingredients all the time in your life, but you need them the most when you are facing challenges or things coming against your purpose and destiny.
* The Word of God, Your Guide
* The Holy Spirit, Your Best Friend
* Prayer, Your Power Connection
* Love, Your Secret Weapon
* Patience, Your Breaks
* Courage, Your Measure
* Integrity and Honesty, Your Character
* Good Advice, Your Supplement
The Word of God, Your Guide
While dealing with oppositions as a child of God, you need to be checking the Word of God, the Bible and carefully listen to God by His Spirit to find out what God is saying about your situation and how does He expect you to handle that particular challenge or opposition. Without consulting the Word of God or listening to God to get insight on how to deal with it, you may end up managing the problem wrongly and sin against God and this could come back and hurt you or negatively impact your purpose and destiny.
When the children of Israel came out of Egypt and sojourning to the promise land according to God’s promised, God started giving them His laws to guide them to the Promised Land (their destination). They faced many challenges or oppositions; and unfortunately, they mismanaged the oppositions or challenges they were faced with. Consequently, at a time, God wanted to destroy them, but Moses pleaded with Him on their behalf. God told Moses, “– I have seen this people, and they are a stiff-necked people indeed! Let me alone, so that I may destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven. And I will make you into a nation stronger and more numerous than they” (Deuteronomy 9: 13-14, NIV). Moses would tell God, “Why should the Egyptians say, ‘It was with evil intent that he brought them out, to kill them in the mountains and to wipe them off the face of the earth’? Turn from your fierce anger; relent and do not bring disaster on your people. Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Israel, to whom you swore by your own self: ‘I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and I will give your descendants all this land I promised them, and it will be their inheritance forever.’ ” Then the LORD relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened” (Exodus 32: 12-14, NIV).
The Children of Israel did not know how to manage their oppositions or challenges. They started disobeying God and doing the things that God prohibited them to do. They took matters in their own hands and it nearly caused the destruction of a whole nation from the face of the earth. Despite the plea and sacrifices of Moses on behalf of the Children of Israel, they didn’t still learn the principles of handling the problems that were facing them on their way to the Promised Land, which was their destiny and the purpose why they left Egypt in first place.
In a concise account, God finally, refused them the Promised Land, and only the new generation inherited it. The Bible reports, God said, “Nevertheless, as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the LORD fills the whole earth, not one of the men who saw my glory and the miraculous signs I performed in Egypt and in the desert but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times — not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their forefathers. No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it. But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it. Since the Amalekites and Canaanites are living in the valleys, turn back tomorrow and set out toward the desert along the route to the Red Sea” (Numbers 14: 21-25).
You see, when you are facing challenges on your way to your destiny and purpose in life, deal with those oppositions according to the will and the Word of God. And you cannot know how to handle each situation in a Godly way if you don’t know the Scriptures. Therefore you need to become a student of God’s Word in order to use it as a guide or road map to your purpose and destiny and in the midst of obstacles, challenges, disappointments and adversities. Let the Word of God be your boundaries and the foundation of your decisions while pursuing your purpose and destiny.
The Holy Spirit, Your Best Friend
The Holy Spirit of God has been described in the Word of God as a Comforter (John 14: 16, 26, KJV), Counselor (John 14: 16, 26, NIV), an Eternal Companion, He will be with us forever (John 14: 26), the Spirit of Truth and lives in us (John 14: 17), a Teacher and Reminder (John 14: 26), a Witness of the Lord Jesus-Christ (John 15: 26), Convincing (John 16:8), Guide (John 16:13), Revealing (John 16:14-15, I Corinthians 2: 10) Intercessor and Helper (Romans 8:26-27). Considering all these characteristics of the Holy Spirit of God, you would agree with me that there is no doubt He can help you make it in life and fulfill your dream, purpose and destiny; and even be the most important person you would ever needed in times of trouble and oppositions. The Holy Spirit is the power and strength God has sent to assist you in your journey on earth, and with Him and in your service to Him (Acts 1: 8). So it is even in the accomplishment of the dreams/visions God has laid on your heart and deposited in your spirit.
You need the Holy Spirit’s help to become who God created you to be and do what He created you to do in this world. Therefore, make the Holy Spirit your best friend even in your times of oppositions or problems and it shall be well with you. Fellowship, love, and pray to Him; and He will be there for you as a best friend who would never forsake you even in difficult times. Apostle Paul said to the Ephesians, “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being” (Ephesians 3: 16, NIV).
Prayer, Your Power Connector
The Bible says, “Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise” (James 5: 13, NIV). The power of God that He made available to you is activated through your prayers to do what you ask God to do for you. You should not only pray when you are in trouble; for the Bible says, “pray continually” (I Thessalonians 5: 17). Nevertheless, prayer is very essential to you as a child of God at all times and most importantly when you are in times of opposition, confusion, frustration, pain and hopelessness. Prayer connects you to your power and strength source who is God the Almighty, the Lord of Hosts. Prayer refreshes you in difficult times, helps you acknowledge your dependence on God, conforms your will or desire to God’s will, opens closed doors, gives you victory over the works of the enemy, gives you wisdom, gives you peace at the place of anxiety, gives you hope at the place of despair.
The Lord Jesus Christ gave the example during his physical stay on earth to fulfill His purpose and destiny, in another word His dream or vision. The Bible is explicit about His prayer life (Matthew 4: 1-11, Luke 11: 1, Luke 5: 16). Note that even the Lord Jesus in His most difficult moment on earth went to the Garden of Gethsemane with His disciples to pray (Matthew 26: 36-46).
In Never to Leave Us Alone: The Prayer Life of Martin Luther King Jr. by Lewis Baldwin, the Author reveals Rev./ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a spiritual leader who was also a civil rights activist/ leader. He gives us an insight on Dr. King’s spiritual life and the aspect of prayer in his journey to fulfilling his purpose and destiny on earth. And I quote, “Dr. King’s personal devotional life was very, very important in giving him the courage and the determination to fight for justice”.
You see, it’s impossible for a man or woman of purpose and destiny to get where God is leading him and use him for great accomplishments without a prayer life. Prayer is the power connection that transfers spiritual energy and strength to the soul, spirit and body of a man; and without spiritual energy or power, you will faint and fail in life, especially in times of troubles and oppositions. For the one who wants to fulfill his dreams or visions in life, prayer must be the fuel that keeps him going, balanced and strong. Prayer brings into your life the essence of which you are and what your dreams or visions are all about.
Lewis Baldwin reports that Dr. King would take personal prayer retreats and shut himself in a hotel room or pastor’s study to pray, meditate and plan his next sermon or civil rights activities. Corporate and public prayers also have been a part of his movement; no wonder he was able to withstand and overcome all the challenges and oppositions that came against the movement and him. If you want more courage in dealing with oppositions in your life, make prayer a priority in your life.
Love, Your Secret Weapon
Only a dream inspired by affection for God, yourself and others can survive the multiple oppositions it will face in life. The Bible says, “Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame” (Song of Solomon 8: 6, NIV). King Solomon depicts the power of love in his song; though he was referring to Eros love (a passionate love usually involving sexual feelings for a love interest). But the truth must be the same for an Agape love (the unconditional love of God), and Phileo love, which means to have affection (sentiment, passion or feeling) for, a fondness based in the heart. What the Greeks meant by Phileo love is what we normally think of the saying or words brotherly love in our languages.
Until you have such a strong affection represented in Song of Solomon 8: 6, you may not devote yourself to serve God in truth and in spirit and fulfill the assignment (The purpose and destiny for which He created you) or He delegated you to do in this world. Moreover, the love for others is one of the major factors that can motivate you to fight for your dreams or visions that will not only benefit you, but others as well. It takes courage to love others like yourself as Christ admonishes us to do (Mark 12: 31).
But what do you do, when you find yourself in persecutions and adversities on your journey in life? The answer is pray and love; and if needed, speak the truth and love, protect yourself and love, defend yourself and love. Note I say if needed, because not all times you would have to say or do something in response to your opponents’ activities. Avoid offensive and evil doings. Remember, evil and lie may reign for a while, but truth and good will always triumph sooner or later. Love is as powerful as death to overcome hate, and transform enemies into lovers, and war into peace. God says, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19: 18, NIV).
Patience, Your Breaks
The Bible states, “A man’s wisdom gives him patience…” (Proverb 19: 11, NIV). In managing oppositions, one of your needs is patience. Even though at times patience is viewed by abusers as one’s weakness, the Bible is telling us the truth about he who is wise. A wise man knows that patience is an extension of his wisdom. You can’t be wise and not be patient. Being patient also does not mean being passive or lacking in energy or will. But while you are taking actions to reach your dreams in life, keep in mind that it takes time for people to buy into your dreams, goals, believes, and ideas or philosophy.
A wise man understands that sometimes great achievements in life don’t happen overnight, but they are a procedure. And it takes courage to wait; for one of the most difficult things for a human being is waiting. It’s hard to see things going wrong in your life, marriage, relationship, business, ministry, and in the community, country or nation and the world and be patient in all you are doing to reverse the negativity. The truth is this: Don’t be passive. Take action. But be patience minded. In another word, keep on moving forward cautiously and strongly, but allow enough time for victory. Impatience can jeopardize or sabotage your dreams, plans, goals and victory in life. Therefore, learn how to apply your break of patience when you notice you are going too fast before the unforgettable and regrettable happens.
Courage, Your Measure
Usually, we define being a man as being courageous. That’s right. But it’s more than just being courageous. Being a man also means being responsible and decisive. However, a woman also can be all these in life. Even though there are many things that reveal the measure of a man, courage is one of the measures of a man. And this can be applied to all people, men and women. The level of your courage can determine what you can achieve in life. Every great achievement in life requires a price, and it takes courage to pay the price of success. It takes courage to get out of your comfort zone. It takes courage to go to school and get a degree. It takes courage to get a job and work efficiently. It takes courage to work on a broken relationship or marriage. It takes courage to take initiatives or lunch and run a business. It takes courage to do the will of God. It takes courage to try new things that can take you to the next level in life. It takes courage to forgive those who wronged you and love them unconditionally. It takes courage to give and take care of those in need. It takes courage to evangelize or preach the Good News. Show me the achievements of a person, and I will tell you how courageous he is.
Integrity and honesty, Your Character
It takes courage to be honest. I believe that you can bear witness from personal experiences and observations that it’s very difficult to tell it as it’s. And rarely do you also see people who admit and take it as it’s. We like telling people the truth in our own way and not as it’s. It seems like everybody has his own definition of what is the truth. And we don’t like people telling us the truth either, because it can hurt. We like people admitting that they are wrong, but we find it difficult and don’t like admitting that we are wrong.
The fairness and straightforwardness of conduct as the word honesty is defined, is vital in dealing with oppositions. Not only to expect people to be fair and straightforward in their dealings with you, but you also to be and do the same for people. The time we fall, do and say things we are not supposed to say or do is in times of difficulties, challenges or oppositions. But if we can be on our guard, few or no mistake would be made in our trial times in life. But then if it does happen, admitting and correcting the mistake speaks a lot about our character.
Being honest with your adversary let him know what is the cause of the problem and work on it if he is willing to do so. But whether the person works on it or not, make sure you are honest enough to tell him what it’s in love, and with wisdom. And for the people you hurt, being honest, admitting and asking forgiveness eases the pain. Remember, the Bible says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6: 7, KJV). Even though at times the battle for your life can be vicious to the level that there may be conflicts and misunderstandings on the way, do your best to treat people right like you would like others to treat you. The Bible says, “–Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22: 39). Don’t try to mistreat people to feel good, secure or have your way in situations in life. It will come back to hit and hurt you. Let love, justice or righteousness, truth, understanding and humility guide your decisions, actions and dealings with people while you face oppositions in trial times.
Good Advice, Your Supplements
The advices you receive and exercise when you are going through oppositions and trial times in life are very important; and these, could engineer your victory or your failure. Many people including kings, presidents, CEOs and leaders have succeeded or failed due to an advice somebody gave them. Many at times even though the credit or discredit does not go to the adviser, advisers play a vital role in an individual’s success or failure in life. Therefore, you need to surround yourself with good people who have your interest, vision or dream at heart and willing to give you the best and wise advice at their best wisdom and knowledge.
A good adviser would consider all realities or truths at the light of God’s Word before delivering an advice. Be careful of people who just want to please you and will only give you the advice you want to hear or what will make you feel good and sound sweet in your ears. A good adviser will always be honest with you by telling you the truth and the possible end results that he can foresee in the whole situation. A good adviser will not encourage you for greed, selfishness, pride, arrogance, vainglory and expectation. Keep in mind that even wise, intellectual and spiritual people can give you wrong advices; especially if they don’t take time to pray, think and see through the whole situation and willing to offer a Godly advice. In effect, it’s good to have more than one adviser and review advices before executing them. Remember, when it goes wrong, it will be on you just as if it goes right or succeed.
Really, you should not just rely on people’s advices to make great decisions in your life. Take advices and exercise the right ones, but listen and discard the bad or wrong ones. Don’t try to carry out the advice of someone to make him/her feel good. Again, remember in the end you will be the bearer of the consequences anyway. Advices are just supplements and should not replace your own responsibility of praying, researching, thinking or reviewing matters in your life to make the right decisions at the right times. In times of problems or oppositions, everybody would like to give you an advice, but be careful and only consider the right one to exercise.
I define oppositions as the opposite of the things you want to see happen in your life as well as challenges and obstacles. We read, “What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8: 31, NIV). This declaration of Apostle Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles is very enthralling, but certainly, he was encouraging and testifying out of personal experiences to the Romans, and not only to them, but also to whoever reads the aforementioned scripture.
Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans known as the Book of Romans in the New Testament as genuine as it’s, among many, also contains a revelation that there is no condemnation for those who accept Christ as their personal Savior and Lord (Romans 8: 1), and they walk by the Spirit (The Holy Spirit) and not by the flesh (Romans 8: 9), and therefore are supported by Him even in weakness and help them to pray, but it also means the same Spirit encourages and assist or support and make bearable their sufferings, challenges, struggles, oppositions, and persecutions (Romans 8: 26). In effect, he would say in chapter 8 verse 15 of the same book, “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “”Abba,” Father.”
Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Romans while he has not even seen them yet, but later would have the opportunity to go to Rome and fellowship with them. The truth is, even though these precious Roman Christians have not seen Paul at the time the letter was written and sent to them, one thing is sure – they have heard about him as someone who was called Saul and persecuted the Church in the beginning, but met with the Master on his way to Damascus to exercise his commission (Acts chapter 9).
According to the Merriam Webster English Dictionary, opposition means, an hostile or contrary action or condition to something, something that opposes; specifically: a body of persons opposing something.
Saul who became Paul actions against the church were so antagonistic and often cruel and Ananias would complained to the Lord when He was sending him to go pray for him, “Lord, “Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem. And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name” (Acts 9: 13-14, NIV). Ananias was telling the truth, because chapter 9 of the Book of Acts opens with the following news, “Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem” (Acts : 1-2, NIV). He even witnessed and endorsed the stoning of Stephen to death (Acts 7: 58-60). After all his quest to annihilate the Church and Christians at the time, he learned one of the greatest revelation and lesson about a child of God and a dream, vision, purpose, destiny and plan that is of God – “If God is for YOU, who can be against YOU?” . He continued and mentioned even THINGS (Romains 8: 35-36) — and this also means, “If God is for YOU, What can be against YOU”? Understand his conclusion: There is nothing that can separate a child of God from God; therefore there is nothing that can separate a child of God from a God-given dream, vision, purpose, destiny and plan in this world.
Usually we talk about opposition or opponent in games, politics or government, and when there are proposed or executed changes and ideas which cause two groups of people to disagree. Really, whether you are in a political party, government, and union, any kind of social or religious group or not, you have an opposition, you have an opponent. I mean something that is fighting against your life, dream or vision; something that is fighting against your health, peace, joy, education, family, marriage, relationship, career, business and ministry.
Whatever may be your opposition, know that God is with you and you will win and be victorious if you fight the good battle. In fact, your oppositions will even help you get to your destination in life, if you properly orient or direct yourself in regard to them, because their net force on you will move you forward towards your dream or vision and whatever you are fighting for in life. Apostle Paul declared, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”. (Romans 8: 28, NKJV).
To be continued…
Willie Yeboah